Medicine Cabinet Refresh

Be prepared for whatever comes your way this cold and flu season

Fall is here and winter is just around the corner.  Unfortunately, that means so is cold and flu season.  Be prepared this year by refreshing and restocking your medicine cabinet early.  Here’s a quick step-by-step process and a printable checklist for you to use to make sure you have all of the basics on hand when you need them.

1. Empty it out

It is much easier to see what you’re working with when you empty the contents of your medicine cabinet out.  Wipe down the inside and clean any containers that you use to organize.

2. Purge

Toss any medications or supplies that are expired.  Also get rid of any medication that you don’t like (tasted bad, didn’t work for you, etc.) and old prescriptions that are no longer needed.  For more information on how to safely dispose of medications, here is some information from the USDA.

3. Take Inventory

Using our printable checklist, take inventory of what you have and what you may need to purchase.  Hit the drugstore or order whatever you’re missing.

4. Organize

Move medications and first aid supplies back into your medicine cabinet.  Group like medications and supplies together.  

A note on location: The best location to store medication is somewhere cool, dry, and dark.  This usually excludes the bathroom.  Keep it out of reach of small children.

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