Christmas Trees

Tips for getting your loveliest tree

There is nothing quite like a beautifully decorated Christmas tree.  The twinkle lights, hanging sentimental ornaments, turning the lights down low to enjoy the warm glow.  Here are our top 5 tips to help you have the loveliest tree this year. 

Relentlessly Fluff

This is perhaps our least favorite part of the tree decorating process, but without it, your tree looks flat.  If you’re using an artificial tree, you MUST fluff the branches.  We know… they’re scratchy and this part is boring, but it makes a huge difference, we promise!

Consider a Tree Collar

Ditch the tree skirt this year and surround the bottom of your tree with something much chicer.  These tree collars work for most standard-sized tree stands and some of them come in two pieces, making it easy to get them situated under your tree.

Add shiny glass ornaments inside your tree

Adding shiny round ball ornaments to the branches on the inner part of your tree will reflect the lights and make your tree glow!  Plus, they can easily hide cords and assembly of artificial trees and fill in any holes or gaps in the branches of real trees.

Try adding some extra faux greenery or florals

This is a little trick designers use all of the time.  Add a few stems of faux greenery that is a little different from the greenery of your tree.  You can also opt for a pop of color with faux florals or something with shimmer/shine if that’s the look you’re going for.

“Frost” your tree

“Ladies, frost yourselves”… or at least your trees.  This is a great way to add extra texture and shimmer to your already amazing tree decor.  As a last step, add some clear plastic or glass icicles or snowflakes.  There are tons of options available.  For extra character, scout some vintage ones on eBay!

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